martedì 2 ottobre 2012

No Pardon for Corruption

People who run the government conceal every bad motive in their genes. They present themselves spotless of scheme and greed. But once in position they are ready to construct shroud of lies to serve the purposes of their ingenuity. Behind the well-tailored suits is the cunning, immoral and corrupt persona of these so-called public servants.  They suffer from diarrhea of the mouth and have constipated ideas of running the populace. Power tends to pollute the minds of those who have it, the arrogant, lustful, and the hungry to feed.  Money together with power creates a negative influence to these people and misuse their authority for private gain.

They choose to ignore the needs and rights of the weak causing fear, pain and death to the people.  The people tend to reject any evidence of corruption. Some people are no longer interested in finding the truth. It is just too sad and painful to acknowledge.  We’ve been taken over by fear by those heartless, greedy and venal rulers. The disease that the government spreads is like information that we feed a hard drive which starts the corruption of files.

A line from a great movie says “With power, comes great responsibility.” But it is defined falsely by those who are in control. Now it is most likely that “With power, comes great exploitation, corruption and deception.”  We choose the leaders of our country but should we feel responsible for all this evil? On May 13, 2013 there will be 18,053 positions up for grabs for the National and Local Elections in the Philippines. Once more the Filipino people will be put to test.  Knowing the right candidate to vote for, their agenda, platforms and true intentions of running into office are the things we should think of. There’s a relative lack of understanding among the Filipinos as to how they should elect their next leaders. A general accepted standard is that we vote by name and not by character. Some are ignorant and sell their freedom to these fake political figures who impose numerous laws and continue to bury the people under taxes and fraud.  If we only accept a fraction of the responsibility in making our country a better place to live in for us and our children, that fraction can somehow in the future become a great part in reshaping our nation. 

The Philippines with its 90 million inhabitants faces difficulties on the economy, growing population, graft and corruption, natural calamities, poverty, peace and order, international debt and many others. A small Asian country with a huge number of people is being pounded by enormous problems. How can every JUAN survive? How can every JUAN change their worsening plight? The answer lies within the hands of every JUAN. Vote wisely and be vigilant enough not to fall into the wraths of these devious candidates and wanna-bes. Make a stand every JUAN and don’t be fooled by their tissue of lies.

Vote wisely. Your voice is your vote.

Richard Gordon, Philippine Daily Inquirer, Jan 23, 2010
“No pardon for anyone convicted of corruption.”

#May 2013 Election