domenica 15 luglio 2012

The Dying Filipino Society

In a complex society, two things are prominent, “deviousness” and “unutterable greed”. Seeking for just and equal rule of law is far from reality as you have to face chaos and destruction in the process. We must frankly face and accept the fact that there are some with inadequate conception of power and there are those who become prey and human sacrifice. People are enslaved to a world of never-ending greed, temptation and scheme. Thus the continuing decline and death of the society is not far. Our country is like a ship slowly sinking in the dark waters. What was once rich and prosperous, is now a country plagued with poverty, violence, immorality, corruption and injustice.

With democracy we all have the government we choose and deserve.  A government ruled by the people with the sole purpose of helping and serving its citizens, building a nation that would cater to its needs. During the primeval times when simplicity and contentment is supreme, when everything else is free from selfish manifestations, when there is still self-sufficiency and freedom Filipinos have lived without any dependency or influence from the government. They live in the abundance of natural resources. They cultivate their own land. There are no constitutional laws to abide because the people treat each other with respect. But with the incessant greediness of some people, who use and abuse the weakness of their countrymen brought us and the country’s posterities into turmoil.  It is just so sad that a country like ours with its natural wealth and intellectual populace is classified as a third world country.

It is never too late to act.  Any of our actions has an impact on others. Filipinos must unite and work on a common goal to bring back our country’s dignity. The people must free itself from the influence of the government. The government has to be stopped from making selfish decisions and should start to care for its people and the country’s welfare. The Filipino people are strong and wise. The choices we make today can change not only our lives but the Philippines’ future generation.  Poverty, violence, immorality, corruption and injustice are all preventable. But it will continue if we do not do something about it. We also have our own responsibilities in making a long-term change possible and NOW is the time.
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Your Taste Is Different As Mine

We occupy a world of choices and the choices we make define who we are. We try to fit in and we devote serious effort to achieve social importance.  The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, places we visit and the people we follow affect our intellectual activity and the way we live our lives.  Are we in actual existence or are we becoming fine copy cats in a domain full of pretense, inequality and disgrace? Each one of us enjoys freedom but not everybody live through the same privileges.  We are enslaved to materialism and earthy pleasures that we lose our own definition as human beings.

Our society can be classified into three, the UPPER class, MIDDLE class and the LOWER class.  People who are born with silver spoons in their mouths, those who do not worry of tomorrow because they have all the money they would ever need. Filthy rich individuals who maintain a high status in the society and most of them are in the business sector, some in politics, media or just plain rich folks belong to the upper class. There are countless who dream of having their lives but on the other hand much of them prefer of having a trouble-free and an uncomplicated way of living. They remain rich or become even richer because of their principles or simply because of their money making skills. But there are also those who become rich through their wicked activities. Then there’s the middle class, the mediocre, the common people. They work for a living and have enough to spend on what they need.  Sometimes they may find their way up or even down but there are those who are just fine being at this level.  But there are also people below, those who belong in the lower class who are deprived of a lot of things. Food, shelter, clothing are just among the basics which are very hard for them to acquire. They define poverty.  You see them on the streets, in the slums and almost everywhere because there’s just too many of them.

But what does this tell us? Getting rich and wanting to get richer with awful means, taking advantage of people with the use of money and power, exploiting natural and human resources for selfish motives, being in debt just to have that glamorous lifestyle or if not struggling just have that social spot.  Is securing a place in the society or trying to fit in the righteous thing to do rather than living with full simplicity and contentment? Is it a crime to be poor and lack social class? Is it a mortal sin if one cannot drink an overpriced coffee, or eat in a fancy restaurant, buy himself a top of the line mobile phone, wear designer clothes, or walk on expensive shoes? 

We maybe of different statuses in life, with different priorities, tastes, responsibilities, goals, opinions and beliefs but let us not forget in the end we won’t be judged through what we have become or who we were. It will be based on how well we have lived our lives. We tend to forget our purpose in life because we focus on competition and definition and can’t decide on who or what we should be.  The purpose of life is to live it. Be determined to live for something not just for yourself and your own well-being. Remember to respect people, be responsible of your actions, know right from wrong, and do a reality check that life is not always on your favor. Today you are rich but tomorrow you may be not. There are so many things in this world that we can’t control. But it is important to remember the things that we can. What we do, what we say and what we think.